Conversation/Mochel & Tony Petrucciani
Album Information
Album Name | Conversation/Mochel & Tony Petrucciani |
Performance Information
Performance Date | Performance Place | Performance Form | Musical Instrument |
Nov. 10, 1992 | Lyon, France | Duo |
Player Information
Player | Player's Birthday | Player's Date Of Death | |
1 | Michel Petrucciani (p) | Dec. 28, 1962 | Jan. 6, 1999 |
2 | Tony Petrucciani (gt) |
Music Information Track: 10
Music Name | Time | Composer | |
1 | Summertime | 6'59 | George Gershwin |
2 | Sometime Ago | 5'17 | Sergio Mihanouch |
3 | All The Things You Are | 8'53 | Jerome Kern |
4 | My Funny Valentine | 10'19 | Richard Rodgers |
5 | Nuages | 4'05 | Django Reinhardt |
6 | Nardis | 4'25 | Miles Davis |
7 | Michel's Blues | 6'19 | |
8 | Someday My Prince Will Come | 6'31 | Frank Churchill |
9 | Billie's Bounce | 7'03 | Charlie Parker |
10 | Satin Doll | 5'23 | Duke Ellington Billy Strayhorn |
Recording Information
Recording Engineer | Recording Studio |
Philippe Arnal | La Maison de la Danse |
Edit Information
Date | Degital Mastering Engineer | Degital Mastering Studio |
René Ameline |
Produce Information 1
Producer | Label |
Francis Dreyfus | Dreyfus Jazz |
Produce Information 2
Designer | Photographer | Liner notes |
Dany Gignoux, Sophie Le Roux, Philippe Quidor | Rina Uzan |