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Conversation/Mochel & Tony Petrucciani

Album Information

Album Name Conversation/Mochel & Tony Petrucciani

Performance Information

Performance Date Performance Place Performance Form Musical Instrument
Nov. 10, 1992 Lyon, France Duo

Player Information

Player Player's Birthday Player's Date Of Death
1 Michel Petrucciani (p) Dec. 28, 1962 Jan. 6, 1999
2 Tony Petrucciani (gt)

Music Information Track: 10

Music Name Time Composer
1 Summertime 6'59 George Gershwin
2 Sometime Ago 5'17 Sergio Mihanouch
3 All The Things You Are 8'53 Jerome Kern
4 My Funny Valentine 10'19 Richard Rodgers
5 Nuages 4'05 Django Reinhardt
6 Nardis 4'25 Miles Davis
7 Michel's Blues 6'19
8 Someday My Prince Will Come 6'31 Frank Churchill
9 Billie's Bounce 7'03 Charlie Parker
10 Satin Doll 5'23 Duke Ellington
Billy Strayhorn

Recording Information

Recording Engineer Recording Studio
Philippe Arnal La Maison de la Danse

Edit Information

Date Degital Mastering EngineerDegital Mastering Studio
René Ameline

Produce Information 1

Producer Label
Francis Dreyfus Dreyfus Jazz

Produce Information 2

DesignerPhotographer Liner notes
Dany Gignoux, Sophie Le Roux, Philippe Quidor Rina Uzan

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