- 28 December 1962, 15:00. He was born in Orange, France.
- 1966 - 4 years old He watches Duke Ellington on television and begins to learn a classic piano.
- 1968He listtens to music of Count Basie in Roman theatre of Orange.
- 1968 - 6 years old He moves to Montelimar.
- 1970He first plays the piano in a dance hall. He gets an orange for the guarantee.
- 1971 He moves to number 124 of Pierre Julian street in Montelimar. His father, Tony opens a musical store "special music of Monsieur Petrucciani".
- 1975 He professionally participates in the jazz festival, Cliousclat of Drome, France. Clark Terry, special guest, approves of Michel.
- 1975 He meets Manhu Roche and finds his ability of the drum.
- 1976 Tony closes a musical instrument shop and a family moves to Les Termes Route de Chateauneuf.
- 1977 He participates in the part of tour. The tour is held in theatre of Montelimar, Kenny Clarke,Daniel Humair, Charles Saudrais perform in the tour. This time, Daniel Humair asks his farther to make a music album with Michel. But he refused because of Michel's youth.
- 22nd Jul. 1980 He participates in the jazz festival, Grande Motte. He meets Bill Evans.
- 3 Aug 1980 He met Aldo Romano.New!!!
- 1980 He comes out the record, first releases "Flash" album in Paris.
- 1981 Gneviève Peyrègne became Michel's agent.New!!!1981 Events in no particular order.
- 1981 He goes to California and works at Esalen Institute by live-in, through his friend's - Trox Drohart - introduction. In this institute, he meets Dorothy Darr who is Charles Lloyrd's wife. He starts to play with Chrles Lloyd.
- 1981 He plays the concerts with Charles Lloyd at the Lobero Theatre of santa barbara. For mass media, it is taken up as a French pianist who made Lloyd make a comeback.
- 1981 - 18 years old He marries to Erlinda Montano.
- 30th April 1982 He performs weddings in Marin County, California. He will soon obtain a green card.New!!!
- 1981 - 82 He performs the Europe tour with Lee Konitz who is alto sax player.
- Jul. 1982 He participates in Montreux Jazz Festival by Charles Lloyd Quartet.
- Oct. 1982 He's on the cover of "Jazz Magazinee".New!!!
- autumn, 1982 He participates in Paris Jazz Fesitival with Charles Lloyd.
- Unknown period, 1982 He received the Django-Reinhardt prize, awarded by the French Jazz Academy to the best French jazz musician of the year.New!!!
- 1983 He participates in "Kool Jazz Festival" in New York. He plays solo piano.
- 1983 The movie of Frank Cassenti director "Letter to Michel Petrucciani" is exhibited in Canne Film Festival.
- 1985 He leaves Charles Lloyd Quartet.
- 1985 He divorces Erlinda Montano.
- 1985 He moves to New York.
- 1985 He makes a monopoly contract to a record company "Blue Note Record". It is the first as a French.
- 1993 He marries to Gilda Buttà who is italian pianist. But they divorce after three months.
- 1994 He returns to France.
- 1994 He receives a Legion of Honour from a French government.
- Aug. 1994 He performs the Japan tour with Lenny White and Louis Petrucciani.
- Feb. 1998 He is interviewed on-line on the Internet.
- 30 July 1998 He absents himself from an international piano festival for physical condition badness. It was programed at 21:30 July 30.
- 6 January 1999 He has a pulmonary infection in New York, enters Beth Israel hospital in Manhattan and dies. The room where he was hospitalized is the 9th room. Morning 4:28. 36 years old of age at death.
- 15 January 1999 A funeral was performed at Saint-Roch Church .
- [Promnade with Duke] Liner Notes
- [Conversation] Liner Notes
- [Jazz Magazine] Interview
- [Playground] Liner Notes
- [Michel Petrucciani] Benjamin Halay
- [Michel Petrucciani] Franck Médioni