Conversations With Michel
Album Information
Album Name | Conversations With Michel |
Performance Information
Date | Place | Style | Instrument |
0000-00-00 | NY, USA | Duo |
Performer Information
Instrument | Name | |
Pf | Michel Petrucciani (1962-12-28- 1999-01-06) | |
T.Sax. | Bob Malach (1954-08-23-) |
Track Information Number of Tracks:10
Title | Time | Composer | |
1 | My Bebop Tune(take1) | 04:26 | Michel Petrucciani |
2 | My Bebop Tune(take2) | 05:04 | Michel Petrucciani |
3 | My Bebop Tune(take3) | 04:17 | Michel Petrucciani |
4 | Conversation With Michel Pt.1 | 10:10 | Michel Petrucciani, Ben Sidran |
5 | For All Time's Sake | 04:53 | Michel Petrucciani |
6 | Contradictions | 02:18 | Michel Petrucciani |
7 | Theme For Ernie | 04:55 | Fred Lacey |
8 | You Must Believe In Spring | 04:06 | Michel Legrand |
9 | Conversation With Michel Pt.2 | 02:50 | Michel Petrucciani, Ben Sidran |
10 | My Bebop Tune(take4) | 04:57 | Michel Petrucciani |
Recording Information
Engineer | |
Studio |
Mixing Information
Place | |
Engineer | |
Studio |
Mastering Information
Place | |
Engineer | |
Studio |
Produce Information
Producer | |
Label | Go Jazz |
Designer | |
Photographer | |
Piano Tuner |