Michel Petrucciani
Album Information
Album Name | Michel Petrucciani |
Performance Information
Performance Date | Performance Place | Performance Form | Musical Instrument |
Apr. 3, 4, 1981 | Netherlands | Piano Trio |
Player Information
Player | Player's Birthday | Player's Date Of Death | |
1 | Michel Petrucciani (p) | Dec. 28, 1962 | Jan. 6, 1999 |
2 | Jean-Francois Jenny-Clark (b) | Jul. 12, 1944 | - |
3 | Aldo Romano (ds) | Jan. 1941 | - |
Music Information Track: 6
Music Name | Time | Composer | |
1 | Hommage A Enelram Atsning | 4'20 | Michel Petrucciani |
2 | Days Of Wine And Roses | 7'15 | Henry Mancini |
3 | Christmas Dreams | 7'09 | Aldo Romano |
4 | Juste Un Moment | 6'00 | Michel Petrucciani | 5 | Gattito | 6'06 | Aldo Romano |
6 | Cherokee | 6'33 | Ray Noble |
Recording Information
Recording Engineer | Recording Studio |
Yann Willen | Spitsbergen Studio |
Edit Information
Date | Degital Mastering Engineer | Degital Mastering Studio | |
France | Pascal Bod | Universal Music Studio |
Produce Information 1
Producer | Label |
Jean-Jacques Pussiau | Owl |
Produce Information 2
Designer | Photographer |
Bernard Amiard | Gilles Ehrmann |