Dreyfus Night In Paris
Album Information
Album Name | Dreyfus Night In Paris |
Performance Information
Performance Date | Performance Place | Performance Form | Musical Instrument |
Jul. 7, 1994 | Paris, France | quintet, Piano, Bass, Drum, Bass clarinet、Guitar、Alto sax, Soplano sax |
Player Information
Player | Player's Birthday | Player's Date Of Death | |
1 | Michel Petrucciani (p) | Dec. 28, 1962 | Jan. 6, 1999 |
2 | Marcus Miller (b,bcl) | 1959.6.14 | - |
3 | Bireli Lagrene (g) | 1966.9.4 | - |
4 | Lenny White (ds) | 1949.12.19 | - |
5 | Kenny Garrett(as,ss) | 1960.10.9 | - |
Music Information Track: 3
Music Name | Time | Composer | |
1 | TUTU | 16'36 | Marcus Miller |
2 | THE KING IS GONE | 17'19 | Marcus Miller |
3 | LOOKING UP | 16'32 | Michel Petrucciani |
Recording Information
Recording Engineer | Recording Studio |
Roger Roche | Palais Des Sports, Paris |
Edit Information
Date | Place | Degital Mastering Engineer | Degital Mastering Studio |
Paris, France | René Ameline | Studio Feber | |
Paris, France | Benjamin Joubert (Assistant) | Studio Feber |
Produce Information 1
Producer | Label |
Francis Dreyfus | Dreyfus Jazz |
Produce Information 2
Designer | Photographer | Liner notes |
Renaud Lioult | Sophie le Roux |
Special Thanks
Name | Comments | |
1 | ||
1 | Luc Gaurichon | Un grand merci á Luc Gaurichon et á son team/ Special thanks go to Luc Gaurichon and his team |