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Dreyfus Night In Paris

Album Information

Album Name Dreyfus Night In Paris

Performance Information

Performance Date Performance Place Performance Form Musical Instrument
Jul. 7, 1994 Paris, France quintet, Piano, Bass, Drum, Bass clarinet、Guitar、Alto sax, Soplano sax

Player Information

Player Player's Birthday Player's Date Of Death
1 Michel Petrucciani (p) Dec. 28, 1962 Jan. 6, 1999
2 Marcus Miller (b,bcl) 1959.6.14 -
3 Bireli Lagrene (g) 1966.9.4 -
4 Lenny White (ds) 1949.12.19 -
5 Kenny Garrett(as,ss) 1960.10.9 -

Music Information Track: 3

Music Name Time Composer
1 TUTU 16'36 Marcus Miller
2 THE KING IS GONE 17'19 Marcus Miller
3 LOOKING UP 16'32 Michel Petrucciani

Recording Information

Recording Engineer Recording Studio
Roger Roche Palais Des Sports, Paris

Edit Information

Date PlaceDegital Mastering EngineerDegital Mastering Studio
Paris, France René Ameline Studio Feber
Paris, France Benjamin Joubert (Assistant) Studio Feber

Produce Information 1

Producer Label
Francis Dreyfus Dreyfus Jazz

Produce Information 2

DesignerPhotographer Liner notes
Renaud Lioult Sophie le Roux

Special Thanks

Name Comments
1 Luc Gaurichon Un grand merci á Luc Gaurichon et á son team/ Special thanks go to Luc Gaurichon and his team

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