Note'n Notes
Album Information
Album Name | Note'n Notes |
Performance Information
Performance Date | Performance Place | Performance Form | Musical Instrument |
Oct. 5, 1984 | Solo piano, Multi recording | Steinway piano |
Player Information
Player | Player's Birthday | Player's Date Of Death | |
1 | Michel Petrucciani (p) | Dec. 28, 1962 | Jan. 6, 1999 |
Music Information Track: 4
Music Name | Time | Composer | |
1 | The Round Body's Dance | 8'05 | Michel Petrucciani |
2 | Prelude To A Kiss | 15'20 | Duke Ellington |
3 | Eugenia | 9'15 | Michel Petrucciani |
4 | My Funny Valentine | 10'48 | Richard Rodgers Lorenz Hart |
Recording Information
Recording Engineer | Recording Studio |
Guy Simon | Village Studio |
Edit Information
Date | Degital Mastering Engineer | Degital Mastering Studio |
Christian Orsini |
Produce Information 1
Producer | Label |
Jean-Jacques Pussiau | Owl |
Produce Information 2
Designer | Photographer | Liner notes |
Bernard Amiard | Fredrich Cantor |