Home / Discography



Album Information

Album Name Pianism

Performance Information

Performance Date Performance Place Performance Form Musical Instrument
Dec. 20, 1985 New York, US Piano trio Steinway piano

Player Information

Player Player's Birthday Player's Date Of Death
1 Michel Petrucciani (p) Dec. 28, 1962 Jan. 6, 1999
2 Palle Danielsson (b) Oct. 15, 1946
3 Eliot Zigmund (ds) Apr. 14, 1945

Music Information Track: 6

Music Name Time Composer
1 The Player 11'05 Michel Petrucciani
2 Our Tune 6'51 Michel Petrucciani
3 Face's Face 4'37 Michel Petrucciani
4 Night And Day 9'20 Cole Porter
5 Here's That Rainy Day 8'17 James Van Heusen
6 Regina 9'20 Michel Petrucciani

Recording Information

Recording Engineer Recording Studio
Mike Moran RCA Studio C, New York

Edit Information

Date Degital Mastering EngineerDegital Mastering Studio

Produce Information 1

Producer Label
Mike Berniker Blue Note

Produce Information 2

DesignerPhotographer Liner notes
John Berg David Kennedy

Special Thanks

1 Eugenia Morrison
2 Mary Ann Topper
3 Bruce Lundvall

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