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Quartet with Michel Petrucciani

Album Information

Album Name Quartet with Michel Petrucciani

Performance Information

Performance Date Performance Place Performance Form Musical Instrument
Jan. 23-25, 1998 Paris, France Quartet

Player Information

Player Player's Birthday Player's Date Of Death
1 Michel Petrucciani (p) Dec. 28, 1968 Jan. 6, 1999
2 Steve Grossman (sax) Jan. 1, 1951 -
3 Andy McKee (acoustic b) April 4, 1979 -
4 Joe Farnsworth (ds) Feb. 21, 1968 -

Music Information Track:10

Music Name Time Composer
1 Ebb Tide*1 5'36 Robert Maxwell
Carl Sigman
2 Inner Circle 6'40 Andy Mckee
3 Song for my Mother 7'30 Steve Grossman
4 Parisian Welcome *2 5'39 Michel Petrucciani
5 You Go to my Head 5'26 Fred J. Coots
Haven Gillespie
6 Body & Soul 6'34 John Green
Edward Heyman
Robert Sour
7 Why don't I ? 4'05 Sony Rollins
8 Don't Blame Me 6'29 Dorothy Fields
Jimmy McHugh
9 Theme for Ernie *3 5'28 Fred Lacey
10 In A Sentimental Mood 5'45 Duke Ellington

*1 Steve Grossman requested this tune. "Steve Grossman's interview - Memory with Petrucciani" - Japanese
*2 Michel Petrucciani composed for this album."Steve Grossman's interview - Memory with Petrucciani" - Japanese
*3 Michel Petrucciani requested this tune. "Steve Grossman's interview - Memory with Petrucciani" - Japanese

Recording Information

Recording Engineer Recording Studio
Claude Ermelin Studio Davout, Paris

Edit Information 1

Date Mixing EngineerMixing Studio
April 20,21, 1999 René Ameline Studio Feber, Paris
April 20,21, 1999 Cédric Champalou(assistant) Studio Feber, Paris

Edit Information 2

Date Mastaring Place Mastering Engineer Mastering Studio
Paris, France Antoine Confetti

Produce information 1

Producer Label
Francis Dreyfus
Michel Petrucciani
Dreyfus Jazz

Produce Information 2

Designer Photographer Liner Notes
JL Barilla Sophie Leroux (couleurs)
Christian Roze (black & Blanc)
Steve Grossman
Francis Dreyfus

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