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Toot Sweet

Album Information

Album Name Toot Sweet

Performance Information

Performance Date Performance Place Performance Form Musical Instrument
May 25, 1982 Paris, France Duo, Piano, Sax Bosendorfer Imperial Piano
Selmer Saxophone

Player Information

Player Player's Birthday Player's Date Of Death
1 Michel Petrucciani (p) Dec. 28, 1962 Jan. 6, 1999
2 Lee Konitz (as) Oct. 13, 1927

Music Information Track: 6

Music Name Time Composer
1 I Hear A Rhapody 4'38 George Fragos
Jack Baker
Dick Gasparre
2 To Erlinda 4'57 Michel Petrucciani
3 Round About Midnight 15'48 Thelonious Monk
Cootie Williams
Bernard Hanighen
4 Lover Man 15'28 Jimmy Davis
James Sherman
Ram Ramirez
5 Ode 4'44 Lee Konitz
Konitz Music BMI
6 Lovelee 2'11 Lee Konitz
Michel Petrucciani
Konitz Music BMI

Recording Information

Recording Engineer Recording Studio
Jean-Martial Golaz Centre Musical Bosendorfer

Edit Information

Date Degital Mastering EngineerDegital Mastering Studio
Jean-Marie Guérin Universal Music Studio,Paris

Produce Information 1

Producer Label
Jean-Jacques Pussiau Owl

Produce Information 2

DesignerPhotographer Liner notes
Bernard Amiard Edouard Boubat
Christian Rose
Alain Gerber(Jazz Magazine)

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